Well, it all begins with an unexpected “disaster” … Another beautiful Christmas night on earth. When families are celebrating with gifts and delicious food, something weird happened. All the stars are falling down from the sky for no reason, people are all surprised and frightened. Is this the end of the world?

The youngest Nobel Prize winner Minna Vellamo is assigned with the mission of finding back those lost stars. She chose to be accompanied by a robot named Harvey for him being a ...robot (well, Minna is far from being a social person). Little does she know, Harvey is the clumsiest and most talkative robot ever. Harvey is so proud of this mission and dreamed to be a triumphant hero.
One day before departure, Minna was told there will be another person on the mission --- Janus White. What? The former football player? Hasn’t he retired for decades? Janus signed himself up to the project. Being depressed for a very long time since retirement, he believed that this is the only opportunity for himself to find back his old-day glory and to prove to the public that he is still a hero.
Will Janus achieve what he is looking for? Often described as bold, independant and determined, will Minna get along well with Janus?